20 years ago, Harris DNA conviction made Texas history

ERIC BERGER, Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle, November 2, 2008 He preyed upon older women, some in their 70s, one as old as 99, police said. He raped them. And sometimes, authorities said, he beat them to death. During the mid-1980s, police had a suspect for these acts, Henry Lee Bethune, but no hard [...]

By |2020-09-19T21:49:32+00:00septiembre 19th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en 20 years ago, Harris DNA conviction made Texas history

Futuros estudios de ADN tendrán asombrosa utilidad investigativa

Dr. David Gangitano 01/10/2016 Los avances que se proyectan en el campo de la genética contemplan la posibilidad de obtener más información del ADN que la actual, lo que permitirá no sólo lograr la identificación, sino que se podrá establecer el color de piel; la altura; el peso y hasta el origen [...]

By |2020-09-19T21:50:01+00:00septiembre 19th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en Futuros estudios de ADN tendrán asombrosa utilidad investigativa

Using pine trees to solve murders

BY LEE LOFLAND MARCH 9, 2016 Killers often hide the bodies of their victims in dense, wooded areas. To further conceal the remains, they often cover them with brush, leaves, dirt, and other handy material and debris. They use leafy tree branches to erase their footsteps and tire tracks. They drive stolen cars with stolen [...]

By |2020-09-19T21:51:11+00:00septiembre 19th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en Using pine trees to solve murders

L’ADN du cannabis permet d’en connaître la provenance

Houston, R., Birck, M., Hughes-Stamm, S., & Gangitano, D. Le profilage génétique du cannabis ouvre les portes du démantèlement de filières La recherche d’ADN ne se limite pas seulement aux traces biologiques humaines : une nouvelle étude explique comment une méthode utilisant les séquences répétitives courtes (STR) peut individualiser les échantillons saisis de cannabis [...]

By |2020-09-19T21:51:38+00:00septiembre 19th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en L’ADN du cannabis permet d’en connaître la provenance

Not just a pesky allergen: pollen as a forensic tool

BY Natasha Strydhorst ON March 22, 2017 On June 25, 2015 a pet dog discovered a trash bag on the shore of Deer Island, Boston. It contained the remains of a two-year-old child. Investigators christened her “Baby Doe,” brought in their own cadaver dogs, and began the quest to find Doe’s identity—and [...]

By |2020-09-19T16:21:38+00:00septiembre 9th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en Not just a pesky allergen: pollen as a forensic tool

Forensic botany uses plant DNA to trace crimes

BY Sam Houston State University ON February 29, 2016 Sam Houston State University is advancing the field of forensic botany with the publication of two recent studies that use marijuana DNA to link drug supplies and pollen DNA to aid in forensic investigations. In an article published in the International Journal of Legal [...]

By |2020-09-10T23:10:06+00:00septiembre 9th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en Forensic botany uses plant DNA to trace crimes

How Plant DNA Can Provide Clues for Law Enforcement

BY DR. DAVID GANGITANO Two recent studies conducted at Sam Houston State University highlight developments in the field of forensic botany. One uses marijuana DNA to link drug supplies; another uses pollen DNA to aid in forensic investigations. Paige Phelps talks with forensic geneticist Dr. David Gangitano about forensic botany and how [...]

By |2020-09-10T23:16:07+00:00septiembre 9th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en How Plant DNA Can Provide Clues for Law Enforcement

Plant DNA May Help Track Down Criminals

BY CHRISTINA PROCOPIOU ON 3/2/16 Criminals, beware: That pollen on your jacket could place you at the crime scene. While far less well-known than fingerprints, handwriting and ballistics, forensic botany has been a part of crime fighting since 1935. In a New Jersey court that year, Arthur Koehler of the U.S. Forest Service, an [...]

By |2020-09-10T23:18:39+00:00septiembre 9th, 2020|DGPub|Comentarios desactivados en Plant DNA May Help Track Down Criminals

Springer Nature

Characterization of new chloroplast markers to determine biogeographical origin and crop type of Cannabis sativa Original Article  Published: 23 August 2019 Madeline G. Roman, David Gangitano & Rachel Houston International Journal of Legal Medicine Abstract Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is the most commonly used illicit drug in the [...]

By |2020-09-19T21:54:53+00:00agosto 24th, 2020|DGPub|3 Comments